Honeywell UV100A Versus UV100E
Honeywell UV systems were first introduced in 2000. Honeywell then offered the UV100A and UV100E series. Then the only difference between the UV100A and UV100E was the color scheme. The UV100A models originally came with slate color tones. Whereas the UV100E had blue knobs and the base was white. See new and old photos below.
The UV100E models come with a five year warranty whereas the UV100A has a one year warranty. All Honeywell UV models sold by Bel-Aire are brand new and factory fresh with the latest warranty benefits. The warranty does not cover the bulb as they have an effective operating life of 8000 hours (approx one year if running full time). See the UV100E or UV100A Owners manual for complete warranty info.
The UV100E series was introduced under the Honeywell Enviracaire Elite brand. This new brand was designed to be more appealing to the residential customer. The Enviracaire Elite brand had a new bold look of blue and white. The UV100A series was under the traditional Tradeline brand with the gray color scheme shown below. With the success of the new look, the tradeline color scheme was phased out. All the new UV100A and UV100E systems now have the bold blue and white color scheme.
Now the difference between the UV100A and UV100E is SmartLamp. The UV100E has SmartLamp features that include cycling the lamp on and off to extend bulb life (see SmartLamp section below). The UV100A models do not have SmartLamp and simply run when plugged in.
New Style  | Old Style  |