What is a Flow-Thru Humidifier?
The term Flow-Thru refers to water trickling through the water panel and out a drain. The advantages of a flow-thru design is reduced maintenance and no standing water. Scale from calcium and lime gets flushed out of the water panel and down the drain. The water panel is an aluminum mesh with a porous pumice-like coating that inhibits growth of slime and is easy to change (once a year).
The disadvantage of the Flow-Thru is water usage. When in operation water flows in to the 700 water panel 6 gph. We are in the northeast where this is not an issue. We get a flat rate water bill unless there is excessive usage then the rate goes up. The Flow-Thru humidifier does not cause excessive usage.
The Flow-Thru is an evaporative humidifier and requires hot air. If not using hot air then hot water should be used. We see little humidity gain if our Flow-Thru humidifier is operating with cold air (and cold water). We run our blower on constant to best utilize our electronic air cleaner, but our humidifier is wired to only operate only when there is hot air and works very well.